Purple Kool-Aid 2018 edition
Post date: Sep 09, 2018 5:32:6 AM
There’s a few things I’ve learned while making this movie.
First, I’ve learned how irritating my voice is. Everyone hates the sound of their own voice once they actually hear it recorded, but I feel like mine is especially annoying. Imagine how my wife and child feel, or even my students who have to hear it every day. Poor kids. Maybe if this movie goes big time we can get Josh Duhamel to do the narration. #JoshDuhamelfollowmymovieplz 😊
Second, I’ve learned that when you are creating a documentary like this you’ve got to have your facts straight. Many of the memories I had in my head as I wrote the script, weren’t exactly correct on the details. For example, this weekend the Vikings are celebrating the 1998 team. Like many of you, I’m not sure why we are celebrating a team for losing an NFC championship in a most spectacular fashion, but that’s not the point. The point is we all remember Gary Anderson’s missed field goal that year, but we all forget that was also the same game Denny Green had the offense take a knee with 30 seconds left in the game to play for overtime. We had one of the most prolific offenses in the ENTIRE HISTORY of the NFL that year and with 30 seconds left...WE TOOK A KNEE?. Yes, I'm still angry about it, but It was so long ago I forgot those two events happened in the same game.
Third. There have been a few different versions of the script/movie. I liken it to going through the stages of grief. There was an ANGRY version. But once I had local musicians starting to follow the film I wondered how they would react to their name being attached to this if it was too negative. And by the way, thanks to all the musicians who have supported or even been remotely interested in being involved with this project. Tim Mahoney, Tina and the B Side Movement, Chris Hawkey, GB Leighton and the Billy’s. Still hoping for the blessing of the Gear Daddies and the Purple One.
There was also a very sarcastic version. But 20 years of teaching and coaching has taught me that not everyone ‘gets’ or responds well to sarcasm. So, I have settled on a more (somewhat) hopeful version of the film. And I think that’s truly the most important lesson I’ve learned on this journey. Why else would we watch our teams if they disappoint us all the time? We watch because we have HOPE. We watch because we think this might be the year, despite any other factors that might prevent it from happening. We watch because we are Minnesotans, and we are loyal. We sat in below zero blizzards to watch the Vikings at the old Met. We embraced the Wild even though the Stars were taken so abruptly from us. We watch the Twins bec-…Well, I’m not sure why we still watch the Twins, but you get my point.
I’ve always been considered a negative Nancy. But I’m literally making a pitcher of purple Kool-Aid this morning and plan on drinking it all day. I’m sure that will do wonders for my digestive system, but that’s ok…because I’m a loyal Minnesotan. Will I be heartbroken by my team in the future? Odds say yes. But at this point I’m looking at it this way: 1 of 2 things will happen this year. Either my movie gets another chapter, or the Vikings win a Superbowl. If the Vikings win the Superbowl, the entire premise of my movie is dead in the water. I would absolutely love for that to happen. #WHEN-ESOTA? #WIN-ESOTA! #SKOL